27 research outputs found

    Smart Performance Measurement Tool in Measuring The Readiness of Lean Higher Education Institution

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    The development of autonomy University drives management innovation to increase the alternative sources of income with the purpose of the efficiency improvement and productivity of the institution. One of a management model that leads to increase productivity through cost reduction is Lean service. The implementation of Lean Higher Education Institution (LHEI) requires total involvement of organization maneuver, including social culture, infrastructure, and leadership support. Therefore, the readiness of the institution in welcoming Lean concepts becomes significant. This article tried to develop a prototype of an intelligent performance measurement tool by analyzing the readiness indicators using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. This tool provided the classification of organizational readiness into five performances level. The measurement performed as a Decision Support System (DSS) to recommend University management level in making a decision and correcting action towards the optimal execution of Lean service. As a case study, this prototype system has been tested with Black Box and User Acceptance Test (UAT) in Indonesia Islamic Higher Education Institution. The finding reveals that the prototype system can be used as a performance measurement tool in measuring the readiness of Lean's service in Islamic Higher Education Institution

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Pokok (Studi Kasus Swalayan Buyung Family Pekanbaru)

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    Sistem inventory merupakan hal yang penting bagi sebuah perusahaan terutama bagi perusahaan distribusi barang. Keseimbangan antara persediaan dan permintaan sangat penting dalam pengelolaan gudang karena berkaitan dengan investasi di dalam inventori. Proses pengadaan barang dari pemasok dan proses pengeluaran barang oleh perusahaan aktivitas yang sering terjadi pada Swalayan Buyung Family. Perusahaan melakukan pemesanan berdasarkan intuisi tanpa mempertimbangkan penumpukan barang di gudang, sehingga dalam waktu tertentu akan menyebabkan penurunan kualitas. Proses dokumentasi barang saat ini masih bersifat manual, sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama dalam pencarian data seperti jumlah barang, supplier, dan konsumen disebabkan ketidaktersediaan database dalam sistem informasi yang terintegrasi. Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan sistem pengendalian persediaan menggunakan metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) yang didukung dengan sebuah sistem informasi untuk mempermudah proses pencatatan aliran barang. Penelitian ini menghasilkan rancangan system informasi yang memberikan informasi tentang kuantitas pemesanan optimal, frekuensi pemesanan per tahun, dan titik pemesanan kembali sehingga membantu perusahaan dalam pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan pertimbangan biaya dan memungkinkan untuk mengukur seberapa efektif pemesanan

    Re-Design Kemasan Keripik Nenas Berdasarkan Persepsi Konsumen

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    Kabupaten Kampar merupakan Provinsi dengan daerah pertanian yang memiliki potensi besar untuk pengembangan perkebunan Nenas. Buah nenas tidak hanya dijual dalam bentuk eceran, namun juga dibuat olahan makanan khas yaitu keripik nenas. Saat ini terdapat beberapa permasalahan pada kemasan keripik nenas, salah satunya adalah desain kemasan yang kurang menarik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang ulang kemasan keripik nenas berdasarkan orientasi perasaan konsumen menggunakan metode kansei engineering. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu spesifikasi kemasan yang sesuai dengan orientasi perasaan konsumen adalah kemasan yang terbuat dari karton, berwarna terang, berbentuk lucu dan pengenalan daerah, serta kansei word terpilih adalah rapi, mudah dibuka, mudah ditutup, praktis, harga murah, mudah disusun, mudah disimpan, anti air, aman, sablon tahan lama dan informatif

    Assessing digital readiness of small medium enterprises: intelligent dashboard decision support system

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    The implication of the Covid-19 global pandemic is driving the transition of SMEs’ business towards digitalization. However, despite the use of the digital platform, many SMEs are unable to survive. Therefore, this study included a focus on Decision Support System (DSS)-based dashboard model as a new feature in assessing SMEs’ digitalization readiness. The twentyfour criteria appraisals are regarded in this sense as two views of business and Information Technology (IT) dimensions which include the Fuzzy-Analytical Hierarchy Process Method (F-AHP) for the weighting measurement and Objective Matrix (OMAX) for the performance mapping analysis, and both are embedded in the Business Intelligent (BI) dashboard development. In Riau Province, Indonesia, a total of 118 SMEs were interested in this study and fact thus revealed the general performance of SMEs as rated at an “Average” level of index value 4.95 with comprehensive parameters for index contribution viz., 3.79, 3.84, 7.75, 4.68, 4.32, and 5.43 for Business Activity (BA), Transaction (TC), Marketing (MC), Management (MG), Micro Environment (MI) and Macro Environment (MA) respectively. Furthermore, the dashboard prepares a tracking and analysis system with the graphical diagram extracted from each criteria hierarchy’s root cause to sub-criteria. The DSS dashboard’s information and knowledge have been developed into a promotional framework for stakeholders relevant to a digital business’s success and sustainability performance initiatives

    Value Stream Mapping Pada Proses Produksi Plywood Untuk Meningkatkan Process Cycle Efficiency

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    Perusahaan plywood merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pengolahan kayu bulat (logs) menjadi kayu lapis . Dari survey pendahuluan diketahui bahwa terdapat beberapa jenis pemborosan / waste yang terjadi selama proses produksi. Pemborosan-pemborosan yang terjadi menyebabkan rendahnyaefisiensi lini produksi yaitu sebesar 29,29 %. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi lini produksi dengan cara mengurangi pemborosan dan non value added activitiesyang terjadi pada proses produksi dengan menggunakan Value Stream Mapping Analysis Tool (VALSAT). Waste Relationship Matrix(WRM) digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antar waste.Waste Assessment Questionnaire (WAQ) digunakan untuk mengetahui waste yang paling dominan. Untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya waste digunakan fishbone diagram. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini: waste dominan yang terjadi adalah defect sebesar 24,51% waiting sebesar 23,32%, inappropriate process sebesar 12,57% dan overproduction/overprocessing sebesar 11,57%. Berdasarkan Process Activity Mappingterdapat 13 aktivitas berkategorivalue added activity ( 29,67%), 22 aktivitas berkategorinecessary but non-value added(35,65%) dan 17 aktivitas berkategori non value added activity(34,68 %). Dengan membuat Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) dan usulan penjadwalan perawatan minor pada mesin produksi, maka diperoleh Expected Future Value Stream Mapping dengan tingkat efisiensi lini produksi harapan sebesar 51,86%, meningkat 22,57 % dari kondisi awal

    Implementation of Lean Construction to Eliminate Waste: A Case Study Construction Project in Indonesia

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    Lean Construction (LC) presented innovative practices to maximize the production value and minimize the production waste during construction. The problem that frequently occurs in the project is delaying the schedule, leading to time and cost overrun. This research aims to eliminate waste that causes delay and inefficiency. Several LC techniques were carried out to improve the efficiency of this project, namely: Value Stream Mapping (VSM) to discover wastes and determine Process Efficiency Cycle (PCE); Waste Assessment Model (WAM) to identify the inter-relationship among wastes; Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram analysis to get the root cause of the waste. Research results showed the three highest wastes: defect 14.06%, over production 21.44%, and the highest rank was unnecessary inventories 31.73%. After implementing LC techniques, the PCE increased from 72 % to 79%. The implication of this research is to provide recommendations to the project’s stakeholders in running the building construction to avoid delay and inefficiency

    Integrated Analytical Hierarchy Process and Objective Matrix in Balanced Scorecard Dashboard Model for Performance Measurement

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    Measuring organizational performance is pivotal for a comprehensive understanding of strengths, weaknesses and to improve the quality of any organization’s performance. Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is the strategic evolution tool that is widely used to measure the organizational performances, and achievements from various aspects, both financial and non-financial. In this research, BSC was not only a straight jacket concept but also a high potential tool for measuring and managing tangible and accurate data through the application of several methods. This research weighted the variables of BSC based on significance values of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Optimization of Measurement with Objective Matrix (OMAX). Moreover, a recommendation analysis was given based on the cause and effect analysis of variables and the achievement of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The flow of information, data, and performance measurement processes were designed into Business Intelligence (BI) software development i.e. BI-MonevDash. The framework and software BI-MonevDash proposed can be used as a new chosen tool for measuring and monitoring organizational performance. Recommendations could facilitate the leaders in decision making to improve the organizational performance and reduce risks